Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Cycling Through My Thoughts #2; Hop, Skip, and a Smile Away.

Welcome to the second post in my new weekly writing series. This post was supposed to be out yesterday, but between packing and pig chores I didn't have the time. However, now I'm glad it waited another day because I have a good story to tell. Today I flew to Boulder, CO. It feels great to get out of cold, snowy Minnesota for some good altitude training, and I met someone extraordinary in the Denver Airport of all places.

After my flight from Minneapolis I got my bags and went looking for a place to eat in the airport before I headed towards my final destination, since it was about two hours past my normal lunch time. There was only one restaurant on the first floor of the wing I was on, so I went there. I picked a seat where I could pull up my bike box close by and sat down. Sitting at the table across from me was an older couple and they asked me what the box was for. I told them I was a Cyclist and we started chit-chatting for a half hour or so while I ate. The husband said he used to be a Football player, which didn't surprise me since he was about 6ft 4inch tall. After a very nice conservation, I officially introduced myself and asked him what his name was. "Winston Hill", he said. Only then while I was shaking his hand did I notice a NFL pin on his suit and a Superbowl ring on his hand! I asked him how long he played for, and he pointed up to a plaque on the wall and said "sixteen years". "Wow that's a long time for that sport!" I said. Just goes to show, with a smile on your face and a friendly disposition who knows who you'll meet. Maybe a NFL Superstar will buy you dinner...

I'm all settled in at Boulder and rode today. Man there is nothing quite like the first ride of the year in Shorts and Jersey! Keep an eye out on my twitter (@bikerboy_weiker), I'll be posting plenty of updates and pictures. Expect another Cycling Through My Thoughts next Tuesday, Cheers!


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Hashtag Transformation Tuesday

Hello everyone, hope all is well with you. I have been training away, doing base work in preparation for the coming season in which I have some very exciting news I should be able to share with you soon. Other than riding there has not been much going on so I have little to write about, partially due to this and partially due to a need for regular content on here I have three things to announce. First off, thanks to a friend I now have the domain Right now it just directs to my blog but I do have plans for that in the future. Secondly, I know have the specifications of my equipment on my blog. Thirdly, I have started a new weekly series (every Tuesday) on my blog. In it I will write a few paragraphs on a video, picture, quote, or idea. This may be cycling related, or it might not be. Also at the end of each of these I will include a picture of were I am that week. Right now I'm calling it "Musings from the Mind" but that sounds a little cheesy, so if any of you have suggestions please feel free to tell me. Check out my first post here. No this is not a April fools joke!

Cycling Through My Thoughts #1

This is my first post in my new series. Today I'm writing about a remarkable video by a Youtuber called Zefrank1 which illustrates on average how many days you have and what you will do with them in a very peculiar medium, Jelly Beans. I'll ask you to watch the video before reading any further.

The first time I watched this video, I almost felt panicky. Seeing how many days you'll likely have is eye opening and scary. The second time I watched it I felt sad, how many people go through their life just getting by? Or worse, suffering. The third time however, I realized something.
What if for the 8,477 days you're asleep you're looking forward to a great day? What if the 1,635 days you spend preparing and eating food cheers you up because you're eating healthy, wholesome food? What if the 3,302 days you spend working are making a difference or doing something you are passionate about? What if the 1,099 days you spend commuting are exciting because hey, who knows what you'll see where ever you're going? What if the 2,676 days you spend watching some form of television are educating you, or just don't exist because what a waste of time, right? What if the 1,576 days you spend taking care of household chores are... okay, I can't spin that one positively. What if the 564 days you spend taking care of loved ones completes you as a person, because you care about them? What if the 671 days washing, grooming, and other bathroom related activities are seen as taking care of yourself, not as a chore? What if the 720 days you spend doing communal activities brings you closer to other people?

Well then the 2,740 days you have left doesn't seem so small anymore does it? Let this remind you that our days on this planet are limited. We should strive to spend as few of those days as we can being bored, sad, angry, vindictive, whining, or hating. We should remember each time we linger on each of these emotions that in the words of musician Todd Snider; "Life's too short to worry, Life's too long to hate. Life's too short not to love everybody and Life's too long to wait!". Carpe Diem.